
How Well Do You Know Your Chinese Roots?

The question, “How well do you know your Chinese roots?” is always the question I ask myself whenever I attend a family event or when I encounter some festival that I am not fully aware. I have always wanted to dig deeper into my Chinese roots. You see, I am Chinese by descent, but I was born and raise in the Philippines. Then, I moved to Hong Kong when I was about 14 years old. I was exposed to many different cultures when I was growing up and I never really have the chance to get to know my roots fully. I am 100% sure that I am not the only one who feels the way I do.

Therefore, I created this blog for people who are not so familiar with Chinese cultures and traditions, like me.



Buddhism is the main religion for most Chinese people. People usually go to the temple to pray and to pay their respect and gratitude to the beloved Buddha. Some people also have a prayer room in their houses.

I grew up knowing two religions - Buddhism and Catholic. I was baptised in the Philippines when I was a baby. It is a requirement for anyone who is born in the Philippines to be baptised. I was not pressured to choose any religion while growing up. Honestly, I go to the temple more than I visit the church. It's just that I feel more connected with Buddhism.


Chinese food is not like any other cuisine. From the menu, you can already see plenty of interesting dishes in the pictures. Chinese food tastes flavourful and satisfying. It is light and not something you get tired of eating. Chinese dishes consist of a lot of key ingredients such as garlic, chilli, ginger, bell pepper and soy sauce. Stir-fry dishes are probably the most common cooking style in this cuisine.


Chinese arts include Chinese calligraphy, pottery, paintings, sculptures, embroidery, bonsai and Chinese literature.  

Chinese opera started during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Performers are dress in beautifully made and colourful silk fabric costumes, extreme, exaggerated and lots of face painting mostly in white colour. This opera also includes a lot of dances, talking, folk music and instrument like the gong. 

I have never watched a Chinese opera live. However, I would love to watch it one day.


The traditional Chinese clothing for women is the Cheongsam. It is an item of a beautiful garment with a straight collar, slits on both sides of the dress and it will show a woman's figure with some sophistication. For the men, Changshan is traditionally worn by the gentlemen. It is a tunic that is long. It is said to be comfortable to wear. 

I have never worn a Cheongsam before, and I would love to try and wear one hopefully in the next Chinese Lunar New Year.


Typically Chinese people use herbal medicines, acupuncture and tai chi as treatment.

Acupuncture uses sterile needles to be attached to one person's body. Be mindful that this treatment should and only done by an experienced and professional acupuncturist.

Tai chi is generally safe and it helps improves your body and mind.  

I had personally drunk herbal medicines when I had skin allergies and cold fever in the past. It had worked for me, and it is useful.


Chinese style wedding is probably one of the elegant yet expensive weddings in the world. An engagement party will happen after a proposal where the wed partners will have to bow to the elders including grandparents being the oldest followed by the parents, uncles, aunts, godparents and relatives who are older than them. Red packets, gifts, jewellery and clothes will be handed out to the partners as wedding presents. 

The wedding date must consult with a master by referring to the divination guide and almanac. It is important for Chinese people to pick the right time to avoid any bad luck. 

Red is usually the wedding theme colour in a traditional Chinese wedding. It signifies love, prosperity and joy. 

Before the wedding, there will be a traditional tea ceremony where the couple offers teas to their elders. After the wedding, the newlyweds need to visit the groom's family's home the very next day. Three days later, the newlyweds will need to visit the bride's family's home.


In the Chinese calendar, we count the age a bit different. When a new baby is born, the age of that baby is already calculated as one year old precisely on the day the baby is born. For example, I am 28 years old when referring to the regular calendar but I am 29 years old when referring to the Chinese calendar. Also, all Chinese people have a Chinese birthday. Say I was born on 27th December, so I need to refer to the Chinese calendar to see when is my Chinese birthday.

Chinese people usually celebrate their birthdays with a bowl of longevity noodles - for long life. The birthday celebrant is typically the one paying the bill or treating the dinner. However, guests are also allowed to operate them or spend a few amounts too.


Many things are being prepared when a Chinese person dies. There is plenty of consideration and consultation to be made before holding a funeral service. First, family members have to consult with a master by referring to the almanac to oversee which date is the most suitable one to hold the funeral. A funeral is usually happening at the Funeral Home and rituals are being performed such as prayers, ceremonies and some Chinese musical instrument.

What a deceased person wears depends on the family’s decision. It could be clothes that were owned by the deceased or a brand new clothing. Guests are expected to wear something white or black colours of clothing. Colourful or bright colours are not appropriate to wear.

Chinese funerals usually last for many days. However, in this modern day, it is expected to continue from 1-5 days. At least one family member is expected to stay overnight at the funeral home to keep company with their deceased loved one.

Family members and guests will be asked to burn joss paper also known as ghost money to make sure that their loved one has enough prosperity in the afterlife. You will expect to see a lot of houses, cars, servants, appliances and clothing made from paper to be burn and deliver to the deceased one.

Guests are allowed to contribute any amount of money, flowers or any other offerings.

Chinese people usually go for cremation. During the journey to the cremation place period, a band is hired to play some loud music to keep the evil spirits away. A lot of prayers are to expect.



The Chinese calendar is also known as Lunisolar Calendar. It is calculated based on astronomical observations of the sun and the moon’s movement. Usually, there will be 12 months in Chinese calendars. However, an extra month which is the 13-month exists when a leap year occurs. Leap year is usually added to the Chinese calendar every three years.


The Chinese zodiac is made up to 12 animal signs. The first animal is the rat, followed by ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Just like the horoscope, each animal sign portrays different traits, characteristics, personalities, strengths and weaknesses.


There are plenty of Chinese festivals being host every year. Chinese festivals are known to be colourful and full of life. Below is a list of Chinese festivals celebrated by Chinese people yearly. While reading, you can also do a quick checklist to see if you have done or observe any of these festivals.


The Chinese Lunar New Year is the most important festivals for Chinese people. It is also known as the Spring festival. There is no set a date for Chinese new year as it always depends on the lunar calendar. Many people visit the temples to pray and offer some fruits and other delicacies. Fireworks and firecrackers usually happen during the Lunar New Year’s Eve. However, many places banned public firing of fireworks and firecrackers. In Hong Kong, people typically stay at home to watch the fireworks on the television or remain by the harbour while watching the fireworks up in the air live.

There are many things to be prepared before the festival such as buying new home stuff, snacks like chocolates, crackers and drinks for visitors to have when they come to visit your home. It is said to be that buying a new pair of shoes can bring people good luck in life. Many people pay a visit to the bank weeks in advance to stock up cash in 20s, 50s, 100’s, 500’s and some 1000’s to give away to people. These are called the red packets. It usually comes in a red envelope.

Sweeping or throwing out garbage and showering are not allowed on New Year’s Day as it can wash away good luck.


Lantern festival brings families and friends together. This festival is to celebrate with plenty of colourful and artistic lanterns. Other activities include moon gazing, performing or watching lion or dragon dance performances, eating glutinous rice balls and lighting lanterns. Lantern festivals are also known for a reunion as it brings families together in a feast.


This festival is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people. This celebration has been happening for over 2000 years. This festival is dedicated to the patriotic poet, Qu Yuan who drowned himself in a river on the 5th day of the 5th Chinese lunar month. The villagers tried to save him or to recover his body but failed. It is said to be that villagers threw sticky rice dumplings to feed the fishes in the river so they will not eat his body.

The activities include dragon boat racing, lion and dragon dance, health-related customs and eating sticky rice dumplings.

The wooden dragon boats are designed and shaped in the form of a Chinese dragon, and about 30-60 people can board the boat to paddle it. It is said to be that people who join the boat racing need to undergo intensive training months before the competition. The winning team will have good luck and joyful life in the following year.


This festival is also known as the Moon festival. On the night of the festival, the moon is at its roundest and brightest. People can buy traditional mooncakes in bakeries and cake shops. Ice cream mooncakes are also available in many shops during this festival. Giving out mooncakes to families and friends symbolise that they wish them a long and fruitful life.


This festival falls during the third lunar month. People go to cemeteries, temples or graveyards to pay their respect to their loved ones and their ancestors. Many Chinese people will burn joss paper as offerings to their ancestors to use in the afterlife.


Yes! That’s right, Chinese also has their own Valentines day. It usually lands on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. During this festival, people in love pays a visit to the temple to pray for their love. Single people will see a matchmaker in hope to find their destiny.


This festival happens on the 7th month in the lunar calendar. During the ghost festival, the souls of the dead are believed to roam around the living people. A lot of offerings are to be seen around the streets, outside of houses to offer the souls of the dead. There are also a lot of precautions to be followed during the ghost month. Offending the dead souls would not be pleasant as this might bring bad luck.

In some places, Chinese operas are being shown live indoor and outdoor with plenty of empty seats in the front rows. They were said to be reserved for the dead souls so they can enjoy watching the performance. Everybody is welcome to attend the show, make sure not to sit on the front row seats.


So here is a list of some Chinese superstitions and etiquette (not in order). While reading, do a quick checklist too.

  • Always greet or address the eldest or the most senior person first.

  • Take off your shoes when entering someone’s home unless it is not required.

  • Don’t leave chopsticks upright in your food. If you do this by accident, make sure to apologise sincerely.

  • Don’t use your chopsticks to take food. Use the serving ladles or chopsticks to get food.

  • Always give gifts or red packet with two hands and same for receiving them.

  • Don’t give anyone with the number four. Four in Chinese means death, so it is not a good symbol to give to anyone.

  • Always be on time. Punctuality means everything for a lot of Chinese people.

  • When writing to someone, avoid writing with a red pen as red ink symbolises negative feelings.

  • Chinese people are conservative people so showing PDA (Public Displays of Affection) is not acceptable and should be avoided.

  • Avoid being too touchy with other people. Only do it to someone you know very well.

  • Never disrespect the elders or anyone older than you.

  • Number 8 or any numbers to do with 8 is considered lucky.

  • Nails or toenails should not be cut at night because it brings problems.

  • Never point at the moon with your finger.

  • Make sure that your bed is facing a wall and not a door because when a bed is facing a door, you are allowing any evil forces to enter.

Writing this blog has helped me get to know my Chinese roots and made me realise that I have to do more like a Chinese person. If you have any other information that you wish to add, feel free to let me know by leaving a comment below.

Yours Truly,

Michelle Chan

How To Prepare A Boodle Fight

Photo credit - Kenny Cheung

Photo credit - Kenny Cheung


Boodle Fight was inspired by the military style of eating. This is a kind of feast that is meant for sharing, sharing all the food. Whilst the food is served and spread on some banana leaves in a long table. Other than banana leaves, you must use your bare hands to eat. Utensils are strictly prohibited as a sign of respect of following the old traditional Filipino culture. 

Boodle Fight does not mean it's a food fight unless of course, you want to go into that kind of level and test your friendship with your friends. However, Boodle Fight is supposed to be a friendly type of feasting and not something you stress on. 



Here are some of the basic yet important rules of Boodle Fight. It's not very hard, in fact, it is quite simple and straightforward. 

  • No using of utensils. No spoons. No forks. No chopsticks!
  • Only use your bare hands to eat
  • Must finish all the dishes presented on the table 
  • No toilet breaks until food are all done
  • Must try all kinds of dishes, except for those who can't eat certain dish 



  • Banana leaves - We use banana leaves as a traditional way on how to prepare a Boodle Fight
  • Aluminum foil - We use the foil underneath the banana leaves, to avoid any food or sauce spilling onto the table
  • White plastic bags - Alternate for the foil, if you are on a budget then using white plastic bags will be more ideal
  • Long rectangular table - The best way to have a Boodle FIght and easier to make food arrangements, however, using circular table could also work nicely
  • Chairs - Be sure to have enough chairs for everyone to enjoy their meal by not standing up, however, if you want to be spontaneous then you may do it on the floor by placing a low rectangular or circular table and by sitting down on the floor with some mats 
  • Tissues - This is a must to have during the Boodle Fight
  • Wet Tissues - This is also good to have while eating 
  • Containers for sauces & spices (Bowls or Tupperware) - It will be nicer to have an individual cups for sauces for everyone but it could work nicely also for sharing



In case you are wondering who to really invite for your Boodle Fight, then here are some tips for you. 


Take note that Boodle Fight will be filled with many delicious dishes, which means all of these dishes must be finished. So inviting your big eaters' friends or families would be a perfect choice. This also means that you don't have to worry about wasting food and having too many leftovers.


Boodle Fight means strictly no spoons, no forks and definitely no chopsticks. We use our bare hands to eat the food on the table. Make sure to pick people who are open to using their hands for eating and also make sure that they all wash their hands before starting the feast. 


Boodle Fight is not only for the Filipinos, it is welcome for everyone to try this feast, most especially the ones who are culture friendly and who are certified food lover or what Internet would call them - "Foodie". 



  • Plain Rice/ Java Rice/ Garlic Rice - Rice is a must and must not be forgotten
  • Grilled Bangus (MIlkfish) - A must have and best to marinate it days before
  • Fried Tilapia - A famous Filipino fish dish
  • Tortang Talong (Egg Omelet) 
  • Adobong Manok/ Adobong Pusit - Very essential and Boodle Fight will not be complete without it
  • Salted Eggs - Everyone love to have at least 1 whole piece of egg on the side
  • Pinakbet - This mix stir-fry vegetables is simple but delicious and colorful
  • Mangoes, Pineapples - Best fruits to pair with the food 
  • Blanched Vegetables (Okra, Spinach, Tomatoes, Kang Kong/ Morning Glory) - Something healthy
  • Buttered Shrimp - Something a little bit fancy
  • Bagoong Alamang Sauce - This sauce is best paired with most of the dishes
  • Pancit Bihon/ Pancit Canton - Noodles for long life!
  • Grilled Isaw - Something grilled and unhealthy wouldn't be too bad for a night 
  • Garlic, Calamansi/ Lemon, Soy & Spicy Sauce - The typical sauce for a big Filipino feast
  • Shanghai Lumpia - This dish is best served with some chili and sweet sauce
  • Beef Steak - Probably the only beef dish that is essential in a Boodle Fight



  • Sinigang with Salmon Head - Sour soup base with Taro (Gabi) plant, best served with a piece of Salmon head
  • Tinolang Manok - Chicken soup and one of the best soup for a boodle fight
  • Bulalo - Soup with beef shanks and beef marrow, very delicious but take a long time to prep and cook
  • Clams - Clams can be served boiled, hot pan stir or grilled
  • Ampalaya with Egg - Sliced bittermelon mixed with eggs
  • Paksiw - Tilapia fish in vinegar, black pepper, and chili sauce
  • Palabok - Alternate for Pancit, however, prep and cooking time may take longer
  • Fried/ Grilled Chicken - Delicious and can always buy and cook it the very last minute
  • Grilled Squid - Alternate for Adobong Pusit
  • Suman/ Biko/ Bibingka - Some options for dessert, something sweet and light
  • Grilled/ Boiled Corn - Something to fill you up


My overall Boodle Fight experience was great. Oh did I mention that this is actually my first Boodle Fight in my 27 years? Yes! I have never done this before and so far my first experience went smoothly. My best friend, Diana and I planned our first Boodle FIght together at home. I cannot wait to organize another one and invite people from different cultures to introduce them to Boodle Fight. 

The picture below is the before and after pictures of our Boodle Fight 

And here are the best people who were present in our Boodle Fight

I hope this blog would be of any help in planning your Boodle Fight. Good luck on your Boodle Fight and If you happen to have any questions, feel free to send me a message. I will be more than happy to help.


Yours Truly,

Michelle Chan

A Secret Prison in Cambodia

As promised from my blog on "Discover Cambodia" , this is a blog about Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, also known as the S21 Prison. Now the reason why I decided to make a blog about this is that I find this incident the most horrific and barbaric genocide I have ever read in history in my 26 years. 

This blog contains essential information about the secret Prison and some stories that I had learned from the audio guide tour when I visited Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum & The Cheoung Ek Killing Fields and based on my self-research, courtesy of the internet. Some images and statements are written and posted in this blog may be sensitive to some people. This is the stories of the 14,000 victims in the hands of the Khmer Rouge. These victims may have died brutally, but their deaths will not be left forgotten. It will forever stay in history.  



Khmer Rouge is a communist party in Cambodia, who took control of Cambodia on April 17, 1975, until 1979. The Khmer Rouge wanted to transform Cambodia into a classless society in which there are no rich and no poor people. Group gatherings are forbidden as this is a sign of plotting a war against the Khmer Rouge. They have forced around 2 million people in Phnom Penh and other cities for some agricultural work and whereas thousands of people had died during the hard labour work through endless work, starvations, beatings or executions. The Khmer Rouge had set up secret prisons, where they captured, brutally tortured and executed thousands of people.



The Tuol Sleng Genocide, also known as the S21 Prison, used to be a school before it was turned into a secret prison by the Khmer Rouge. The secret Prison was operated for four horrific years, which also means four long years of tortures and executions of mostly innocent people. 



Most of the people who are brought into the secret Prison are either guilty or innocent and has nothing to do with whatsoever the war that the Khmer Rouge are having during those time. The Khmer Rouge members/ soldiers/ guards or other civilians are also pins pointing at some random people or somebody who may potentially look like a traitor in their eyes. These innocent victims were tricked for a job opportunity. Little did they know that they are being brought into a dark place. While some people were captured because they are traitors, but I guess we will never know who are the real traitors and who is not. You will find out what I meant about the previous sentences I have written as you continue to read this blog.

The image above shows the rules inside the S21 Prison. If the image is a bit small for you to see, then here are the list of the regulations.1. You must answer accordingly to my questions - Don't turn them away.2. Don't try to hide the facts by maki…

The image above shows the rules inside the S21 Prison. If the image is a bit small for you to see, then here are the list of the regulations.

1. You must answer accordingly to my questions - Don't turn them away.

2. Don't try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that you are strictly prohibited to contest me.

3. Don't be fool for you are a chap who dare to thwart the revolution.

4. You must immediately answer my questions without wasting time to reflect.

5. Don't tell me either about your immortalities or the essence of the revolution.

6. While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.

7. Do nothing, sit still and wait for my orders. If there is no order, keep quiet. When I ask you to do something, you must do it right away without protesting.

8. Don't make pretext about Kampuchea Kromin order to hide your secret or traitor.

9. If you don't follow all the above rules, you shall get many lashes of electric wire.

10. If you disobey any point of my regulations you shall get either ten lashes or five shocks of electric discharge.




The photographs of the prisoners' headshots and torture photographs were found and discovered by the Vietnamese Army. The prisoners' names were all changed into numbers. In other words, they are no longer identified by their names but by numbers appointed to them instead.

Photographs of the S21 prisoners

Photographs of the S21 prisoners


There are plenty of torture rooms in the S21 Prison. The torture rooms are used as interrogation rooms as well. The prisoners are tied up and must answer the questions that are being asked by the interrogators. Refusing to answer a question or making up stories will face an extreme and painful torturing. Some torturing method that the interrogators used are electric wires, drownings and some other terrible and inhuman ways.


When S21 Prison was discovered, the remaining of the tools and pieces of equipment for torturing prisoners were recovered as well. The people who have survived this had explained and demonstrated how the equipment works. But I rather not share this as it is very heartbreaking to hear, but if you want to know more about it, you may google it to know more information about their torturing methods.

This is one of the torturing equipments found in S21 Prison. No caption needed, you may use your own interpretation based on the image on the right.

This is one of the torturing equipments found in S21 Prison. No caption needed, you may use your own interpretation based on the image on the right.


They have built jail cells for the prisoners around the premises. The jail cells are tiny, and by the looks of it, it is just enough for one person to fit very tightly inside the cell. The prisoners were tied up while their faces were covered with a sack and limited hole for them to get some air to breathe. The prisoners are not allowed to speak with any other cellmates or fellow prisoners, they are to remain silent under any circumstances.

Jail cells in S21 Prison. I felt a bit of goose bumps when I enter the room as if like I can feel imagine how the prisoners lived in this tiny jail cell.

Jail cells in S21 Prison. I felt a bit of goose bumps when I enter the room as if like I can feel imagine how the prisoners lived in this tiny jail cell.


Plenty of the prisoners clothing was found after the Vietnamese army discovered the prison. The clothes were pilled together in memory of the victims.


Cheoung Ek Killing Fields was known to be the worst mass grave in Cambodia. The reason for this is that there are so many people who have died here. Some victims were buried alive and also the fact that this mass killing was very secretive until the Vietnamese Army finally discovered it. Imagine if they didn't, then more people could have been dead as well.

Mass grave in Cheoung Ek KiIlling Field

Mass grave in Cheoung Ek KiIlling Field


Pieces of bones, teeth and skulls of the prisoners were found buried in the mass grave at the Killing Field as part of the evidence of this barbaric crime. 




In 1979, the S21 Prison was discovered by the Vietnamese Army after four long years of barbaric acts of the Khmer Rouge towards thousands of people. 


Most of the remaining leaders of the Khmer Rouge were sentenced to life imprisonment by the ECCC (Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia) for crimes against humanity. Life imprisonment doesn't completely justify what the Khmer Rouge had done to the dead prisoners. I believe that the punishment should be as brutal as what they had caused to the thousand lives of the prisoners. 



There are only seven survivors that are known to have survived the S21 Prison. 7 out of 14,000 victims that is just sick! Three of the survivors are still alive, and they can be seen around the museum. You may have a quick chat with the survivors if you want to. I'm sure they will be more than happy to share their life story back in S21 Prison.



This story is base on the story that I have heard from the audio guide tour. There was a 16 years old boy who was captured and unaware of what was going on. He had lost his family along the way and was forced to stay with the other prisoners. A kind and a selfless man begged a prison guard to spare the boy. The man insisted "He is too young, please let him go". The man did not stop asking the prison guard until one day, the boy was released, but in return, the prison guard executed the man who had helped, and he sacrificed himself to save the boy. The boy did not know the man's name, but he will forever remember and be grateful to what the man had done for him to live.



Tuol Sleng was formerly a high school. It was the secret prison held by the Khmer Rouge in 1975-1979. There were about 14,000 people who were imprisoned there with only seven known survivors. There are around 4 buildings in the premises. The Khmer Rouge had turned those 4 buildings as interrogation rooms, torture chambers, jail cells, torture equipments room and many more other barbaric acts. It was discovered by the Vietnamese army in 1979. 


Building A is the closest to the entrance of the S21 Prison. 

Building A is the very first place prisoners were brought into to have their photographs taken and their information written down. Once they have registered, their names were no longer their names, they were given numbers instead. They were forced to give up whatever belongings they have brought into the prison.


Soon after they were settled, the prison guards brought the prisoners into the interrogation room where they were forced to talk about their life in detailed and to confess to their sins. The prisoners are not allowed to scream, cry or have any emotions when they are being tortured. Each prisoner was scheduled to be interrogated and tortured at least twice a day and every day, and so on. 




This building was filled with the victim's headshots, photographs of the leader, tortures and dead prisoners due to extreme beatings or starvation. Some equipment for torturing can be seen being displayed around the building with images of how it is used.




This building was the prisoners' jail cells. If you look closely, the building was covered with metal wires. The metal wires were placed around the whole building so that the prisoners won't attempt to escape.




You may find more photographs of the prisoners, prison guards, the leaders, executions and other documents in this building. There are two movie rooms for some documentaries clips about the S21 Prison. Please note that there is a scheduled time when you can enter and watch the short films.

Another Khmer Rouge's killing methods as stated on the board,The Gallows - This pole with cables attached to it had been used for the student to conduct their exercise. The Khmer Rouge utilised this place as interrogation room. The interrogators tie…

Another Khmer Rouge's killing methods as stated on the board,

The Gallows - This pole with cables attached to it had been used for the student to conduct their exercise. The Khmer Rouge utilised this place as interrogation room. The interrogators tied both hands of the prisoners to the back by a rope and lift the prisoners upside down. They did like this until the prisoners lost consciousness. Then they dipped the prisoner's head into a jar of smelly, filthy water, which they normally used as fertiliser for the crops in the terrace outside. By doing so, the victims quickly regain consciousness, and that the interrogators could continue their interrogation.



Cheoung Ek also known as The Killing Fields. After the interrogation, beatings, manipulations and starvation, this is where victims were brought to face their cruel execution. There is an audio guide tour included in the package deal to tour you around to all the sites in the fields and where the people were buried. At the end of the audio tour, The Memorial Stupa will be the last stop where the remains of the victims (The skulls) are preserved and are colour coded by genders and how and what weapons were used to execute the victims. You may pay your respect by lighting a candle or offering some flowers. 


The prisoners were tricked by the guards and were told that they are bringing them to a new home while being blindfolded, only to find out that they are not going to last in this world any longer.

As written in the text,Truck Stop - Here, was the place where a trucks transporting victims to be exterminated form Tuol Sleng Prison and other places in the country, stopped. Trucks would arrive 2 or 3 times a month or every 3 weeks. Each truck hel…

As written in the text,

Truck Stop - Here, was the place where a trucks transporting victims to be exterminated form Tuol Sleng Prison and other places in the country, stopped. Trucks would arrive 2 or 3 times a month or every 3 weeks. Each truck held 20 to 30 frightened, blindfolded and silent prisoners. When the trucks arrived, the victims were led directly to be executed at the ditches and pits or were sent to be detained in the darken and gloomy prison nearby. After January 7, 1979, one truck remained, but it has since been taken away.


After transferring the prisoners to the Killing Fields, they were brought into a small hut while being blindfolded, just waiting for their time to get executed. 

As written in the text from Left photoThe Dark and Gloomy Detention - Here, was the place where victims transported from Tuol Sleng and other places in the country were detained. Usually, when the truck arrived, the victims were executed immediately…

As written in the text from Left photo

The Dark and Gloomy Detention - Here, was the place where victims transported from Tuol Sleng and other places in the country were detained. Usually, when the truck arrived, the victims were executed immediately. However, as the number of victims to be executed was increased up to per 300 per day, executioners failed in attempt to kill them within a day. That is why they were detained for execution the next day. The detention was contracted from wood with galvanised steel roof. its wall was built with two layers of flat wood were to darken and also prevent prisoners seeing each other. Unfortunately, the dark and gloomy detention was dismantled in 1979.

As written in the text from Right photo

The Executioners' Working Office - Here, was the place where executioners stationed permanently at Choeung Ek worked. The office as well as the Killing Fields were equipped with electric power which enabled them to conduct executions and to read and sign the rosters that accompanied the victims to the site at the night time.


Before the hut was removed, there used to be a room, where the guards stored their killing tools. 

As written in the text from Left photoThe Killing Tools Storage Room - Here, was the place where the killing told such as shackles, leg irons, a hatchet, knifes hoes, digging hoes, shoves, iron ox, cart axles were stored. This instrument was lost in…

As written in the text from Left photo

The Killing Tools Storage Room - Here, was the place where the killing told such as shackles, leg irons, a hatchet, knifes hoes, digging hoes, shoves, iron ox, cart axles were stored. This instrument was lost in 1979. The storage room was constructed from wood with a galvanised steel roof.

As written in the text from Right photo

The Chemical Substances Storage Room - Here, was the place where chemical substances such as DDT.. was kept. Executioners scattered these substances over dead bodies of the victims at once after execution. This action had two purposes; Firstly to eliminate the stench from the dead bodies which could potentially raise suspicion among people working near by the Killing Fields and secondly was to kill off victims who were buried alive.


Who could ever thought that this lake was once buried with dead people, most of them were children. 


You may find some clothing laying on the ground just like how they were found when the rescuers have discovered this secret Killing Fields. You may also find some pieces of broken bones left on the ground.


These are the remaining bones and teeth that were found around the Killing Fields. 


The Killing Tree was used for the execution of infants or newborn babies. The Khmer Rouge believed that once their parents were executed, these little ones should be executed too so they won't seek any revenge. What is even more depressing is how they ended their life. The executioners smashed the babies head onto the tree; it is the easiest way to commit an execution according to the audio source. That is just inhuman and barbaric. 

The Magic Tree was installed with a loudspeaker, which they will play loud music whenever they are scheduled to execute a group of prisoners. The purpose for this is that they are avoiding any nearby neighbours to hear the prisoners screams while executing them. Just imagine, the music that was being played at those times was the last music that the prisoners had heard before they die.

Left - The Killing TreeRight - The Magic Tree

Left - The Killing Tree

Right - The Magic Tree


This stupa is where all the recovered skulls are placed as a memorial stand for the purpose of remembering this horrific crime. The skulls were divided and colour coded into genders, ages, and what weapons were used during their execution. Since the executioners were saving bullets and may alarm the nearby neighbours, they used weapons to hit the prisoners head once or some even twice and then slits their throat and let them bleed to death.


Some visitors will leave some flowers, bracelets or notes (donations) as a sign of paying respect for the victims of S21 Prison. 



First of all, I would like to share that there are no beyond words that can describe these horrific crimes that were committed by the Khmer Rouge. I have read and studied about The Holocaust held by the Nazis or The Japanese Occupation around Asia in World War II. There are both wrong and horrible. However, the S21 Prison is what I felt the most heartbreaking. I think it's the fact that S21 Prison was kept secret and nobody knows about it for four years, and the hands of their own people implemented it.

I am getting emotional while writing this blog. All of the things I have seen inside the museum and the things I have heard from the recorded audio guide are coming back in my mind as I write this blog. It is indeed hard to explain what I had felt on that day when I visited. It's like I can hear them scream in my mind at some point and imagining how those victims were tortured and executed. I can picture them in my mind, and it is horrible and quite traumatising actually. It is just so cruel.

However, don't get me wrong, I felt blessed to have visited S21 Prison, and I had learned a lot of information during my visit. I would say that reading history through the internet or books are not enough resources. You got to be there, right on that spot to see it with your own eyes. 



Getting to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21 Prison) - The easiest way to get there is by tuk-tuk or private taxi.

Getting to The Cheoung Ek Killing Fields - It is around 30-40 minutes away from the S21 Prison. You may take a tuk-tuk or get a private taxi to get there.




Entrance fee - The fee for S21 Prison is 3 USD per person and add 3 USD for an audio guide, with different types of languages (English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German). A tour guide is available upon request with an additional charge. 

Opening hours - It opens every day from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.



Entrance fee - The fee for the Killing Fields is 6 USD per person with audio guide included, with different languages too.

Opening hours - It opens every day around 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.


I hope you find this blog useful. I try to put as many information as I can in memory of the victims. Hopefully, this horrible thing won't happen anymore. Nobody deserved to have suffered the way the S21 prisoners did and any other victims. 


Yours Truly,

Michelle Chan