
An Afternoon Brunch at The Optimist

It's been a while since I wanted to have a Sunday brunch with friends. So I decided to request a Sunday off from work to have brunch with some friends at The Optimist. I booked at 1:30pm for 4 people but unfortunately my boyfriend Ryan couldn't make it, so we were down to 3 people instead, my friend Nazia and her boyfriend Raffy came with me.

Our table was located on the 3rd floor near the window side. The staff, Kenny handed me the brunch menu and explained to me about the buffet area and about the menu. He gave me 2 menus, the brunch menu and the drinks menu. I quickly ordered a free-flow of Prosecco (alcoholic much?).

Brunch menu and drink menu of The Optimist

Brunch menu and drink menu of The Optimist

For the aperitif buffet, they served some cheese, salad, shrimp salad, breads, cold cuts ham (but since I don't eat pork anymore so I didn't took that).

First round of the buffet

First round of the buffet

The sauce were yummy, whatever they made it from!

The sauce were yummy, whatever they made it from!

For the sharing starters, we had the Broken Eggs with Iberico Ham, Ensalada de Pulpo "Octopus" and Mushroom Croquettes. The most delicious one for me was the Octopus, it was tender and the chef  cook it the way I like it. 

Ensalada de PulpoOctopus, Chick Peas, Edamane, Potato

Ensalada de Pulpo

Octopus, Chick Peas, Edamane, Potato

Broken Eggs "Huevos Rotos"Iberian Ham, Chorizo, Potato, Egg

Broken Eggs "Huevos Rotos"

Iberian Ham, Chorizo, Potato, Egg

For the main course, Naz and I took Seafood Rice "Arroz Caldoso" with mussels, clams, prawns and squid. The portion was quite big as it is sharing for 2 people. I like the taste very much and as always I love "soupy" rice, so this meal for me is heaven! While on the other, Raffy ordered the Grilled Flat Iron Steak, medium well. We got to try the steak and it tasted so good. The Optimist do really grill things great!

Seafood Rice "Arroz Caldoso"Mussels, Clams, Blue Prawns, Squid

Seafood Rice "Arroz Caldoso"

Mussels, Clams, Blue Prawns, Squid

For the dessert, we had Flan, it is similar to the Filipino style "Leche Flan" which is one of my favorite dessert and we also had Vanilla Custard. 



Vanilla Custard "Natillas"Corn Flakes, Strawberry Coulis

Vanilla Custard "Natillas"

Corn Flakes, Strawberry Coulis

Overall, the food was delicious and something I would definitely go back for. The service given by the staff was efficient. I can't wait to go back for brunch and I probably will try to go for dinner as well.


Yours Sincerely, 

Michelle Chan



Happy Hearts Day!

This year's Valentines my date is none other than my boyfriend, Ryan. This is our 4th Valentines together and so far I am still not sick of him being my date (Just kidding!). 

As we were so hooked with the TV show  "Hells Kitchen" by Gordon Ramsay. We then both decided to go to Bread Street Kitchen & Bar located in Central. We wanted to have a taste of one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurant. 

We went there on February 16, 2016, 2 days later than the actual V-day due to work reason. It doesn't really matter if we don't celebrate it on the 14th, what matters is we did celebrate it and plus we don't have to eat dinner in such a busy crowd. 

We made the booking at 9:15pm but we were running late so we reached there by 9:30pm. The interior style was very modern, relaxing and It is actually quite a big place. 

My valentines date

My valentines date

For starters, we had Pan Fried Scallops (a must try and super tasty) and Sesame Seared Yellow Fin Tuna (a must try too! although the portion could be a bit bigger)

Pan Fried Scallops

Pan Fried Scallops

Seared Yellow Fin Tuna

Seared Yellow Fin Tuna

For main course, we had the Traditional Shepherd's Pie cooked with Potato Puree, Parmesan, Beioche Garlic Crumbs (It is quite heavy despite it came in a small tray, the pie was tasty), and we also ordered the Rib Eye Steak worth of 12oz/350grams (we were just a bit dissappointed on how it was cooked but we still finished it). 

Rib Eye Steak 12oz/350g

Rib Eye Steak 12oz/350g

Rib Eye Steak

Rib Eye Steak

For dessert, we had the Chocolate tart with Salted Caramel Ice Cream both for sharing as we were really getting full but we just wanna try out their dessert to end our dinner.  The Caramel Ice Cream particularly was very yummy. 

Chocolate Tart with Caramel Ice Cream

Chocolate Tart with Caramel Ice Cream

Overall, the food was quite satisfying but I just wanna point out one thing that we both agreed that the starters are more yummier than the main course. I mean the main course was good but we feel like the starters were better. The service was good and I appreciate them for giving us a nice sofa table. 

I can't wait to try London House in Tsim Sha Tsui soon! 


Yours Sincerely, 

Michelle Chan

My 25th Birthday

Some say getting old sucks and while some say getting old brings a new endeavour in life. It really doesn't matter. Age doesn't matter at all! 

For me, I love birthdays, I like to celebrate it and spend it with my family and friends. This year I choose to celebrate it in a very simple dinner and drinks with friends during the countdown and family dinner on my exact birth date. By the way, my actual birthday is on December 27 and I just turned 25 years old.

This year I choose to celebrate my birthday dinner or you could also say countdown celebration in PIRATA located in Wan Chai. Pirata is my favorite Italian restaurant in Hong Kong. It is the best and the ambiance is very overwhelming and relaxing. It is the perfect place to celebrate a special occasion. 

Birthday dinner at Pirata

Birthday dinner at Pirata

I booked the place at around 9:30pm and as usual i am the earliest to arrive, knowing how punctual my friends are (But i still love them). We all started off with a glass of Prosecco complimentary from my boyfriend Ryan, who happens to be working in Pirata as well as one of the awesome bartender. 

I have already planned out which food to order. I actually have a list! What can I say, I like to be well-organised. 

For Starters, we had Vitello Tonnato (very delicious!), Fresh Garden Tomato Bruschetta (My all-time favourite), M.M.M. (My Mama's Meatballs) and some Cold Meats and Cheese Selections.

For Main courses, we had the Butchers' Cut (something to die for), Pappardelle with Duck Ragu, Tagliatelle with Black Truffle (the scent of the truffle is just great) and Honest Risotto (the best risotto i have ever had).

Delicious Butcher's Cut

Delicious Butcher's Cut

For Desserts, we had Tiramisu and the 25 cupcakes that I brought it. Yes I actually got myself 25 pieces of cupcakes to match with my age HEH!

BUT before the dessert part, they surprised me with a birthday countdown while bringing in the cupcakes and the tiramisu dessert with a "Happy Birthday Michelle" wording made requested by my friend, Naz and also an unexpected birthday cake from a bestie (RITIKA aka the Indian Goddess) who lived all the way in Guangzhou and was unfortunately wasn't able to come, but instead surprised me with a cake!!! I was speechless and happy!!!

Counting down with the love of my life

Counting down with the love of my life

My 25 cupcakes

My 25 cupcakes

Blessed at 25

Blessed at 25

Shot! Shot! Shot!

Shot! Shot! Shot!

More cupcakes selfie

More cupcakes selfie

More birthday selfies

More birthday selfies

After the dinner, we went to LKF to continue the party there! What a night to remember indeed.

Partying at Magnum LKF

Partying at Magnum LKF

We dance all night!

We dance all night!

I truly feel grateful that I have these amazing people around me during my most special day. I would like to take this chance to thank everybody who have greeted me, to the Pirata team that took care of us that night and for just simply being awesome!, to my friends who came to my birthday dinner (Naz, Vicky, Kenny, Ariel, Reinhard and Pauline), Thanks to my awesome boyfriend for making it extra special by being there during my birthday and for being there for the past 4 years, to my family for being supportive and of course to GOD.

I am looking forward to my 26th birthday in 2016!

3 more days till 2016.. Woooohooooo!!!


Yours Truly,

Michelle Chan

Favorite Spot in Hong Kong

I'm finally back to one of my favorite spot in Hong Kong, Pirata located in Wanchai. 

First, I start off with a glass of white wine, Tenuta delle terre nere etna bianco made from Italy. This wine contains volcanic soil from the erruption in Pompei. Sounds nasty but it does taste good!

Drinking one of the finest wine in a perfect place to be

Drinking one of the finest wine in a perfect place to be

I took Tomato Bruschetta as my starters, which i chose to pick something very light and It was delicious. 

Fresh garden Tomato bruschetta

Fresh garden Tomato bruschetta

I also took Octopus salad, it includes lemon oil, parsley, cherry tomato, olives and potato. Sorry i didn't got the chance to take a picture, I was too hungry to even take a picture ✌

For main course i ordered Risotto (it is the best Risotto i ever tasted, i'm not even kidding) . It was creamy and tasty. The rice is not so hard and not so soft either. It was just in the right texture. 

Very creamy and yummy Risotto

Very creamy and yummy Risotto

I took the Tiramisu for dessert. It was very delicious and it is one of the best tiramisu i ever tasted. I would highly recommend you to try it. You won't regret it. 

Tiramisu deasert placed in a jar

Tiramisu deasert placed in a jar

My simple dinner has turn into an ooomazing night. Filled with yummy food, drinking a fine wine in a place where I feel relaxed. 

Yours truly,

Michelle Chan