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An Afternoon Brunch at The Optimist

It's been a while since I wanted to have a Sunday brunch with friends. So I decided to request a Sunday off from work to have brunch with some friends at The Optimist. I booked at 1:30pm for 4 people but unfortunately my boyfriend Ryan couldn't make it, so we were down to 3 people instead, my friend Nazia and her boyfriend Raffy came with me.

Our table was located on the 3rd floor near the window side. The staff, Kenny handed me the brunch menu and explained to me about the buffet area and about the menu. He gave me 2 menus, the brunch menu and the drinks menu. I quickly ordered a free-flow of Prosecco (alcoholic much?).

Brunch menu and drink menu of The Optimist

For the aperitif buffet, they served some cheese, salad, shrimp salad, breads, cold cuts ham (but since I don't eat pork anymore so I didn't took that).

First round of the buffet

The sauce were yummy, whatever they made it from!

For the sharing starters, we had the Broken Eggs with Iberico Ham, Ensalada de Pulpo "Octopus" and Mushroom Croquettes. The most delicious one for me was the Octopus, it was tender and the chef  cook it the way I like it. 

Ensalada de Pulpo

Octopus, Chick Peas, Edamane, Potato

Broken Eggs "Huevos Rotos"

Iberian Ham, Chorizo, Potato, Egg

For the main course, Naz and I took Seafood Rice "Arroz Caldoso" with mussels, clams, prawns and squid. The portion was quite big as it is sharing for 2 people. I like the taste very much and as always I love "soupy" rice, so this meal for me is heaven! While on the other, Raffy ordered the Grilled Flat Iron Steak, medium well. We got to try the steak and it tasted so good. The Optimist do really grill things great!

Seafood Rice "Arroz Caldoso"

Mussels, Clams, Blue Prawns, Squid

For the dessert, we had Flan, it is similar to the Filipino style "Leche Flan" which is one of my favorite dessert and we also had Vanilla Custard. 


Vanilla Custard "Natillas"

Corn Flakes, Strawberry Coulis

Overall, the food was delicious and something I would definitely go back for. The service given by the staff was efficient. I can't wait to go back for brunch and I probably will try to go for dinner as well.


Yours Sincerely, 

Michelle Chan