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My 25th Birthday

Some say getting old sucks and while some say getting old brings a new endeavour in life. It really doesn't matter. Age doesn't matter at all! 

For me, I love birthdays, I like to celebrate it and spend it with my family and friends. This year I choose to celebrate it in a very simple dinner and drinks with friends during the countdown and family dinner on my exact birth date. By the way, my actual birthday is on December 27 and I just turned 25 years old.

This year I choose to celebrate my birthday dinner or you could also say countdown celebration in PIRATA located in Wan Chai. Pirata is my favorite Italian restaurant in Hong Kong. It is the best and the ambiance is very overwhelming and relaxing. It is the perfect place to celebrate a special occasion. 

Birthday dinner at Pirata

I booked the place at around 9:30pm and as usual i am the earliest to arrive, knowing how punctual my friends are (But i still love them). We all started off with a glass of Prosecco complimentary from my boyfriend Ryan, who happens to be working in Pirata as well as one of the awesome bartender. 

I have already planned out which food to order. I actually have a list! What can I say, I like to be well-organised. 

For Starters, we had Vitello Tonnato (very delicious!), Fresh Garden Tomato Bruschetta (My all-time favourite), M.M.M. (My Mama's Meatballs) and some Cold Meats and Cheese Selections.

For Main courses, we had the Butchers' Cut (something to die for), Pappardelle with Duck Ragu, Tagliatelle with Black Truffle (the scent of the truffle is just great) and Honest Risotto (the best risotto i have ever had).

Delicious Butcher's Cut

For Desserts, we had Tiramisu and the 25 cupcakes that I brought it. Yes I actually got myself 25 pieces of cupcakes to match with my age HEH!

BUT before the dessert part, they surprised me with a birthday countdown while bringing in the cupcakes and the tiramisu dessert with a "Happy Birthday Michelle" wording made requested by my friend, Naz and also an unexpected birthday cake from a bestie (RITIKA aka the Indian Goddess) who lived all the way in Guangzhou and was unfortunately wasn't able to come, but instead surprised me with a cake!!! I was speechless and happy!!!

Counting down with the love of my life

My 25 cupcakes

Blessed at 25

Shot! Shot! Shot!

More cupcakes selfie

More birthday selfies

After the dinner, we went to LKF to continue the party there! What a night to remember indeed.

Partying at Magnum LKF

We dance all night!

I truly feel grateful that I have these amazing people around me during my most special day. I would like to take this chance to thank everybody who have greeted me, to the Pirata team that took care of us that night and for just simply being awesome!, to my friends who came to my birthday dinner (Naz, Vicky, Kenny, Ariel, Reinhard and Pauline), Thanks to my awesome boyfriend for making it extra special by being there during my birthday and for being there for the past 4 years, to my family for being supportive and of course to GOD.

I am looking forward to my 26th birthday in 2016!

3 more days till 2016.. Woooohooooo!!!


Yours Truly,

Michelle Chan